iOS Mac AP
Unity 3D C#
3D Max
Android System
tutorial 001, install ubuntu for build android system.
Android Tutorial, Hardware, BlueTooth
Win Mobile 7
Android NDK
001, Install NDK on MAC
002, Install Eclipse CDT
003, Install NDK on MAC with Eclipse
PCB Tutorial 001, Eagle Library Design
Tutorial 030 , Digital Photoshop Painting Tutorials
Photoshop,Tutorial 031 , photo become a painting
Tutorial 032 ,Photo To Colored Dot Pattern In
Tutorial 033 , photo become a painting
Tutorial 000, note, Frequently used acronyms
001, Install Android SDK on MAC
String 字串
Tutorial 09-1, Array, ArrayList
Tutorial 010-1, UI, TextView marquee
010-2,TextView android:textStyle
Tutorial 011-1, UI, ImageButton , different kind of way to call ClickListener
Tutorial 011-2, UI, ImageButton-pressed and up change image
012-1, UI, EditView onChange event in Android
012-3, EditText widget to be readonly
012-4, EditText ,Right align EditText android
013-1, UI, ImageView, display image from local file.
013-2, UI, ImageView, display image from URL, set wallpage
013-3, UI, ImageView, display image from local, if no exit , download it
013-4, UI, ImageView, slideshow
018-1, Activity, change page and pass data t next page.
018-2, Activity, Activity with animation
Dialog 訊息框
019-2, Dialog, Toast with position
019-3, Dialog, Custom Toast with position
Tutorial 019-10, Dialog, Creating Dialogs
019-15, Dialog, Color pick Dialog
019-16, Dialog, PopupWindow
019-17, Dialog, PopupWindow resize
019-18, Dialog, PopupWindow with viewFlipper, menu
019-19, Dialog, Sliding drawer
UI Layout design 介面設計
020-2, Layout,tiled background
020-3, Layout, Linear Layout 9 Grid
020-3-2, Layout, Linear Layout 9 Grid Center
020-4, Layout, include other layout
020-6, Layout, TableLayout, dynamically adding rows to TableLayout
020-7, Layout, add other layout via code at the run-time
UI Bar Status 訊息欄
021-1, UI,Remove Title Bar on Android Application
021-2, UI,Android Hide Status Bar
021-3, UI,Status Bar,Creating Status Bar Notifications
Input 操作方式
Tutorial 025, Input, customer , Dragging and Dropping
UI Tab
Tutorial 029-2, UI, Tab at the bottom of the screen
Tutorial 029-1, UI, Tab via layout xml
Tutorial 029-3, UI, Tab at the bottom of the screen via XML
Tutorial 029-4, UI, Tab How do I change the background?
Tutorial 029-5, UI, Tab with navigation function.
Tutorial 029-6, UI, Tab How do I change the background of an Android tab widget?
029-7, UI, Tab customizations
ListView 列表
Tutorial 032-3, ListView, Custom ListView items and adapters
Tutorial 032-4, ListView, Custom ListView items and adapters extends Activity
Tutorial 032-5, ListView, slow way, good way, fast way, 39-2, Sound, Analyze the frequency and strength of sound in Android
Custom UI 課製自訂元件 控件
Tutorial 040, UI, Custom iphone style spin on android.
Tutorial 040-1, UI, Custom iphone style spin and multi list on android
040-2, UI, Custom iphone style spin with XML component.
Tutorial 041, UI, Custom, iphone uisegmentedcontrol like on android
Tutorial 042, UI, Custom, iphone style UISearchBar like on android
043, image process, custom button.
043-1, custom your UI components on XML Layout. Tutorial 047-1, ScrollView, Custom ScrollView items and adapters
047-2, Layout, iphone style table
047-5, ScrollView, Viewflipper
android, Tutorial 048, UI, customer , ebook flip effect.
048-1, UI, customer , coverflow
Tutorial 049, UI, Custom, pdf reader
Internet function 網路
Tutorial 050, internet, httpss Get request
Tutorial 051-1, internet, httpss Post request
Tutorial 051-2, internet, httpss SOAP
Tutorial 051-3, internet, httpss SOAP with kSOAP 2 lib
053-1, internet, download, download image and save to local file.
054-1, internet, WebView begin
054-2, internet, WebView in view
054-3, internet, WebView in view and display loading progress
Data process , XML, JSON 資料處理 資料型態
Tutorial 060, Data, XML XmlPullParser solution
Tutorial 060-1, Data, SAX XML Parser
Tutorial 060-2, Data, DOMParser
Tutorial 060-3, Data, PList parser
Tutorial 061, Data, JSON, json-simple
Tutorial 061-1, Data, JSON,JSON PRC lib
SQLite 資料庫
File 檔案
065-1, File, read and write, get last Modified time
065-2, File, read and write, copy all folder and subfolder, SD files to APP , APP files to SD
065-3, File, write , check file and delete
065-4, File, get Cache Dir, File Dir
security 安全
Android Tutorial 070,security, SHA-1 hash
Android Tutorial 070-1,security,MD5
Android 硬體裝置
Tutorial 078, hardware, Google USB Driver
078-1, hardware, URI, Tel, SMS, Map, Email, Email with ImageView
thread 多執行緒
Tutorial 080-1, Thread, Runnable clock
Tutorial 080-2, Thread, Timer clock
Tutorial 080-3, Thread, AsyncTask
Tutorial 080-4, Thread, Handler And Run, update the UI at the thread mode
MAP, GPS 地圖 導航
84-1, get google key, android maps api
84-2-1, Get the phone’s last known location using LocationManager
84-3, map, display map.
Animation 動畫效果
Tutorial 085-1, Animation, move rotation
085-2, Animation,Animation_Alpha
085-2, Animation,Animation move.
085-3, Animation,move roller Scrolling Text
085-10, Animation,Animation Rotation
Android Tutorial 100, animation , Creating animation
Image Process 圖片處理
086-1, image process,Combine two images in android java
Remove background
086-2, image process,How to BAKE rounded corners
Canvas 繪圖
087, canvas in your android apps
Quartz 繪圖
88-1 , Quartz, circle with background image
88-2 , Quartz, square with background image
System 系統
Android, Tutorial 090, System, Android input method editors
090-1, System, software keyboard hide and show
Tutorial 091, System, Memory Leaks
096, Multi language Unlocalized Application
Tutorial 110, web api , JAR, add jar
Tutorial 110-1, web api , JAR, Create an Android Jar Library JAR
Tutorial 111, web api ,Using Google Docs and Google Spreadsheet API’s for Android
OpenGL ES 繪圖
120-12, Opengl with android UI
120-13, Opengl with android user input
Android Tutorial 200, NDK , Hello NDK
Android 硬體
211, Hardware, Android Open Accessory Development Kit